A Pro Player Foundation Initiative to increase
MS outreach, awareness and engagement.
We are excited to announce
“Educate.Elevate.Collaborate. is a multi-faceted Initiative that includes a Social Media campaign, a live streamed Collaborative Panel and a Fotonovela.”
We are excited to continue our Educate.Elevate.Collaborate. rEECh on the Road Collaborative Panel Series - a Pro Player Initiative to increase Multiple Sclerosis outreach, awareness and engagement. Our Pro Player Foundation social media campaign will serve as the voice of the Educate.Elevate.Collaborate. Initiative. Our campaign will share information across our platforms with the aim of connecting with underrepresented communities. Communicating creative and personal content to engage minority communities will inform and raise awareness around Multiple Sclerosis. We will share key messages from our roster of players via our collective social media platforms. Our strategic social media plan will create increased knowledge and engagement as we aspire to elevate access to valuable resources.
We have developed and produced a Fotonovela as a tool to be distributed in a variety of targeted areas. The Fotonovela serves as a vehicle to engage the community while sharing vital Multiple Sclerosis information. The Fotonovela is being disseminated in both English and Spanish with the goal to establish a line of communication in a non-traditional manner.
We are looking forward to hosting our fifth virtual Collaborative Panel designed to illuminate and amplify issues the Multiple Sclerosis community faces. We believe there is a disconnect between underrepresented communities and resources and information. Tyler Campbell, a prolific speaker, will moderate the kick-off Collaborative and share his MS journey. We are excited to host a diverse group of guests that will attract a diverse audience. Our Pro Player Foundation team is passionate about publicizing vital information in a culturally sensitive way. Information is power and we hope to arm the community with knowledge to take action to own one’s health.
We believe there is nothing we can’t achieve when we unite and work together.
— Pro Player Foundation